Participating in sports is a great way to stay fit and healthy, but the repetitive stress on your body can increase your risk of injury. At Inspire Chiropractic in the River North neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, Ariana Coletti, DC, a board-certified chiropractor, provides expert chiropractic care for sports injuries. Whether you’re a student-athlete, weekend runner, or a pro, call Inspire Chiropractic or make an appointment online for personalized treatments for sports injuries.

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What are common sports injuries?

Sports injuries typically fall into two categories: repetitive strain and acute injuries. Repetitive strain injuries occur because you make the same movement over and over. It could be tendinitis in your elbows or ankles or stress fractures in your feet. Acute injuries occur suddenly — you could collide with another player on the soccer pitch and jar your spine or break an ankle.

Some of the common sports injuries include:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendon or ligament tears
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Rotator cuff injuries

You can also develop a spinal misalignment as a sports injury. If you have a muscle strain in your shoulder or back, the combination of inflammation and your other muscles acting differently to make up for the imbalance caused by your injury can pull on your spine.

When should I visit a chiropractor for a sports injury?

While a chiropractor like Dr. Coletti can help you recover from sports injuries, you might benefit from seeing her before you have an injury. Dr. Coletti provides customized care combining chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy that can reduce your risk of injury and help improve your performance.

However, if you have a sports injury, contact Inspire Chiropractic right away. It’s critical to get the treatment you need promptly to support and accelerate the healing process. Effective treatment for sports injuries helps you get back to your sport quickly and safely.

How are sports injuries treated?

Whether you see Dr. Coletti for sports injury treatment or to prevent an injury, she begins with a comprehensive consultation and exam. She reviews your medical history, including any previous injuries, as well as your current training and competition schedule. Dr. Coletti also examines your spine, joints, and muscles for signs of misalignment, inflammation, and imbalance.

Then she creates a treatment program tailored to meet your specific needs. Your plan might include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage
  • Spinal decompression
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation
  • Dry needling
  • Lifestyle modifications

Your program might also include stretches or exercises to practice between your appointments or recommendations to add to your training regimen.

If you have a sports injury or want to decrease your risk of injury, call Inspire Chiropractic to make an appointment online today.